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Oxford Phrasebuilder Extras Clothes

ɔksfəɹd fɹe͡izbɪldəɹ ɛkstɹəz kloðz


1 general:: I'll just slip into somethingmore comfortableYou can wear clothes or jewellery or you can have clothes/jewellery on:I'm going to wear my little black dress to the party.He's got a very strange hat on.You can be dressed in clothes, fabric or a colour:She wasdressedin jeans and a sweaterall in blackfrom head to footin green velvetBe attired/clad in are formal or literary terms:He was formally attired in a dark lounge suit, stiff collar and bowler hat.You can put on and take off any sort of clothing.You can also:pull onpull upslip onslip intoshrug intothrow onbootscoatglovesjacketjeansjumperpair of sthsockssweaterstockingstightstrousersdressjeansknickerspantsskirtsockstrousersdressing gownjacketpair of sthrobeshoessomething morecomfortablecoatjacketcoatjacketShe pulled on a pair of faded jeans and a sweater.Wait while I slip into something more comfortable.Throwing on his coat, he made for the door.removepull offpull downdropkick offshrug offbootscapclothesglasseshathelmetjacketmaskshirtshoescoatgloveshatjacketmaskshirt shoessocksdressknickerspantsskirttrouserspantstrouserssandalsshoescoatjacketHe removed his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose.With a dramatic gesture she pulled off her mask.I kicked off my sandals and felt the warm sand slipping between my toes.do up/undofasten/unfastenbutton up/unbuttonlace up/unlacezip up/unzipbrabucklebuttonscatchclaspfliesshoelaceszipbeltbucklebuttonsclaspblousecoatfliesjacketshirtbootsshoestraineranorakdressfliesjacketjeansskirtHis fingers fumbled to do up the small buttons on his shirt.My shoelaces came undone and I nearly tripped.Tom buttoned his overcoat up to his neck and raised his collar.

Oxford Collocations Dictionary

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